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LIVE MUSIC! K Force & D Burchett / K Suzuki / Its Own Infinite Flower

Monthly music event hosted by Ben Tinker

Kris Force & Dylan Burchett & Kim Nucci
Kaori Suzuki
Its Own Infinite Flower

¡This Friday March 24th!
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Adobe Books
3130 24th St, San Francisco, California 94110

Donations to the performers will be encouraged and collected
NO BYOB please.
¡Free refreshment with $6 or more book purchase!
Donations also accepted for delicious refreshments
Buy a book, support your venue, take something home.
We love you. ♥

Join us for Adobe's monthly music series!
This month we have some of the Bay Area's, nay, the world's best improvisors, experimental acoustic, amplified, electronic composer/performers (" dare he!") in the intimate setting you've come to know and love at Adobe Books on a early Friday eve (note, 7:30pm, perfect for after work!) make these dark days a bit brighter in cosy company at Adobe Books!

Topping the evening off with a first time evah majestic trio of Amber Asylum's Kris Force melding and welding her violin & electronics with guitarist Dylan Burchett & sax player Kim Nucci (both probably incorporating some sort of electronics as well). come and than you can say you were there then!

See/hear solo set of sonic surveying conducted by Seattle synth builder/player Kaori Suzuki!
Starting off the eve with Tasho thee long time defender of the San Francisco electronic music scenes from stompy club nights to spacey, abstract gassy sassiness, Its Own Infinite Flower has arrived!
topping off the night:
Kris Force & Dylan Burchett & Kim Nucci

Kaori Suzuki

& starting it all off with:
Its Own Infinite Flower