Release show for Matt Robidoux "Brief Candles" on \\NULL|ZØNE//
Michelle Lee — flute
Kris Force — violin
John Ivers — clarinets
Naomi Harrison-Clay — saxophone
Tony Gennaro — vibes
Dylan Burchett — electronics
Lee Hodel — bass
Matt Robidoux — guitar, voice
“Set to release his latest album, Brief Candles, on February 20th via \\NULL|ZØNE// (Flesh Narc, Frank Hurricane), Robidoux is once again creating without rules or restrictions. The record shifts shapes as it pleases, with everything falling in and out of place as constructed (and deconstructed).
Lead single Little Wall finds Robidoux joined once more by Isness partner YlangYlang, offering a warped and utterly infectious reimagining of popular music. The rhythm is slow and bass heavy, hitting somewhere between trip-hop and trap beats at half speed, but pieces are picked and pulled, scattered and shifted like an impressionistic painting. Robidoux and YlangYlang sing in close harmonies as the music stops and starts, their voices are tied together to composition’s alien path.”
— Dan Goldin, Post Trash
Melissa Weikart is a vocalist, pianist, and composer who recently moved to San Francisco from Boston, MA. Her songs are playful and pensive, inviting listeners to follow twisting melodies and restless dissonances. In December 2017, she released her EP "Coffee," and is in the midst of recording a full-length studio album.
VOL. is an art group FKA “The Blues”, comprised of Marissa Magic and Max Nordile, founded in 2014. The genre of music they play could be called Post Apocalyptic Bud Com Free Wave.
Nathan Corder and Kevin Murray (electronics/guitar, percussion)
duo opens the evening!