Andrew Ching, Kappy of Later Dudes, and George Crampton Glassanos with their evolved perspectives emulate an energy, promote and preserve a love for San Francisco and its history of cultures, few in the city can understand. Nostalgic, iconic iconography, images and scenes of San Francisco and its people that make you wonder if those times could ever be so far away. In many ways they’re not. For the reception these artists received Friday proves again to many, that San Francisco is still inhabited by beautiful, hungry, youthful, resistant folks, searching for breeding grounds for their creative spirits to roam and grow, who are insistent on being acknowledged and determined to creating new memories to further illustrate the fact this is still home to the SUCKA FREE. Thank you to those who attended the opening. If you missed the reception, we insist you take a big peak of the show before April 30th! @skrachandsnif
@kappys_corner @later_dudes